I never reached 10m,and im thinking into grind agaim to somewhat finish the game,altrought i already have my fav cars like the gg8 and the n vision 74,i kinda wanted to have that feling of finishing the game by buying a hella expensive car.
Chill man,i just sugested it.
I searched driveline x roblox on yt and i want kill myself now.
So, shouldn't we make a new wiki for DE after voldex got in control?
Just switch to drive world lol.
I never reached 10m,and im thinking into grind agaim to somewhat finish the game,altrought i already have my fav cars like the gg8 and the n vision 74,i kinda wanted to have that feling of finishing the game by buying a hella expensive car.
Have you guys ever got curious why cars like the WZU are so broken for such a cheap price
while new expensive cars have shit stats compared to it?
Well i might have gotten the answer.
I was going to write a whole ass essay,but to resume:
New players
Voldex know that most of the OG players have a shitton of money and op cars,so to keep the new players playing, they realesead new cars with broken stats to make them keep griding,in that way the poor bastards buy crap expensive things like houses,and still keep doing the grind for it.
Thats why the expensive cars (like the new eletric porsche),have a bellow avarege stats for such a expensive car.
Witch is kinda like spitting in the og and semi-og players,like the best griding car at that price range used to be the tesla,and it had a shit handling and was pretty balanced,like i used that car till i reached 1m and it took a while,new players can just shit on us now.
I wish players had a braim and didnt bought a house in a racing game,im tired,most of the players sell their good cars to just to buy a phathetic house.
Why you bought it in the first place?Seens like you felt into one of voldex scams
-not owned by voldex
-good looking models
-1 update per wiki
-has more maps
-not p2w
-balanced cars
-you can turn a low level bad car into a monster by swaping engines
-you can grind fast with deliverys
-good events you can get a free car and money by completing them
-lots of tuning possibilities
-non toxic comunity
-players are fun to talk and play
-has the hoornigan cars for free !!! (each event they either come back do the quest for an easy car that handles like a f1)
-no handling % bullshit
-mini goofy cars that v12 swappd can pass 300mph
-actually fun
-cool car meets
-most of DE OGs are there.
Welp driving empire is dead,it is on the worst state it has been,dont say im being dramatic,look at the new cars desings and compare to the og one,even event cars,in my op if you wanna have real fun,be happy and drive good looking cars,without having to do a painfull grind with easy to do events,switch to drive world,whorever i warn you if you havent be playing this game ofr 5 months since it started,you will have a little pain in race,no worries just to events ad deliveries,its an actual fun game,good lookin cars,1 update per week,try it out.
P.s:driving empire is bullshit,and im sad cuz when i got actuall good cars most of the OGs left,i miss ppl that helped me get good stuff.
It gives me ptsd the cheapest trueno back them was 5m,10m for a 5k car.
Cant forget yhe mr2,in fh5 ita 20m,in fh4 they were like 1m or smt
Them ppl still think im wrong one thinking bidding is a scam.
Yes, alot of cars are dont have pages,i would do it but i forgot how to make them,and some dont have the new photos lile the ugly lambos.
I was looking at the leaks and saw about the biding,alsotrught it doesnt look like the bidding might be a scam to make the mustang overpriced,how?
Cars like the mustang sometimes are sold less than 100k with inst enought for greedying empire,so to make it cost more voldex made the biding so plays bid like 300k for a mustang,considering voldex nature this is probally the real reason to a bid mechanich,i have experience with it,like in forza cars like the mr2,trueno,celica, used to cost 400k to 1m,similar things will prob happen.
The new limited jaguar is a good investiment.
Why the gg8 cant get a buff bruh :(
This was done few weeks ago,but im talking about this today cuz yes
1st nerf:From 425kmh to 380kmh
2nd and last nerf: From 380kmh to 366kmh
Altrought the speed was nerfed its still a Meta car if used right,the car has a monstruous acceleration,both with and without the nitro,i beated am the rimac nevara somehow and got 1st,the only thign that can make you lose is the top speed,the car is so lightweight that is faster than eletric cars.
I joined the game in the golden age to,players helped me grind cool car,and i helped new players get cool cars by letting them use mine,the game is having one of its biggest dark age,hope thats just become a phase and nothing that will destroy the game :(.
P.s:nice pfp.
Most of the OG players have sadly left,its sad to have to be this way,i remember when the game was fun and severs had full car meet lobbys,ppl would show their unique builds,supercars and limiteds,nowaydays this game is boring even the car meets like all i see is corvettes and chalengers plus when i get cool cars the ogs left,most of the players that helped me grind do not play anymore,its depressing,the game is dying week by week,whorever the only reason this game is still alive is because of the new players.
Whorever there is still hope,if the devs want they could do knock-off brands like adder and entinity from GTA 5,but it seens that will not stop,bet the next victim is the ferraris.
Nobody asked but ok
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