Driving Empire Wiki
Speed Trap

A picture of a speed trap.


Speed traps (also referred to as Speed Cameras or Traffic Enforcement Cameras) are cameras placed in strategic locations that tend to catch players speeding in their vehicle.

The speed traps appear with a gray pole mounted to the ground or a barrier with a radar camera attached to it. If a player passes a speed camera, the camera light will flash. In the background, players will hear a camera flash sound effect. 

These work in one of two ways: they can either give players money and a bounty if they travel fast enough, or they can take $150 from the player and add 15 bounty to the player if they pass a speed camera from the wrong side of the road. Speed traps are currently one of four ways to earn bounty in driving empire. The cash and bounty rewards added for passing the speed trap scale with how fast a player is traveling.



  • Unlike the street lamps and signs that can be knocked over by vehicle, these cannot. Instead, your vehicle will slam into the speed trap and halt to a complete stop.